Crossing the dragon
2024, film, group home "L'Approdo", Rome, Italy
In a travertine quarry, the search for a mythological figure intertwines with the traces left by its passage. The dragon is stripped of the stereotypes of threatening danger, shifting the fairy tale into a background that eludes, leaps, and dances between reality and fiction. Without declaring the biographies shaped by postcolonial migration, which marks the protagonists, a game of metamorphosis unfolds.
The image
Young people with a recent migratory past play at reinterpreting the fairy tale "Uccisione del drago" by Dino Buzzati. The foster home where they live and the places they frequent alternate with situations in a travertine quarry. The voices of the participants punctuate the silent images, blending their biographies with a new fairy tale.
Winning project of the European Community Award of Magic Carpets 2024
By Salvatore Crucitti and Gloria Zeppilli
Sound Michele Febbraio
Special thanks to the young residents of the foster home "L’Approdo," Giuseppe Scarvaglieri, Paola Farfaglio, Benedetta Carpi de Resmini, the Cooperative Spes Contra Spem, and the Roman Travertine Society.
Project supported by the European platform Magic Carpets EU and Latitudo Art Projects S.r.l.