2023, film, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Images of disfigured landscapes, extinct villages, survival stories and communities affected by coal mining intertwine to rebuild an awareness of what we are losing. Anthropic landscapes are activated by endemic performances and narratives. On a blackboard, what is buried is extracted, leaving ephemeral and utopian traces.
The image
"Sediments" is a film that juxtaposes anthropological perspectives with performative research on the landscape. Starting from the impact of coal on the Western collective imagination, it proposes an aesthetic reflection on anthropic landscapes. The featured locations are extinct villages due to coal mining (at the largest coal mine in Europe: Garzweiler, Germany, in the North Rhine-Westphalia region) and illegal mining operations in Poland near Trzebinia and Wałbrzych.
The research
Our species has transformed from a simple biological agent into a geological force altering territorial and climatic structures and impacting geological processes. For this reason, the project aims to analyze and compare anthropological, social, and philosophical perspectives on the subject. Coal has been considered one of the energy resources that have contributed to humanity's development up to today, becoming one of the main causes of the climate crisis.
By Salvatore Crucitti and Gloria Zeppilli
Curator Martina Macchia
With Antje Gerlach, Wolfgang Wangerin, Andrea Weitz, A.
Supported by the International Performance Art Archive Black Kit, Quartier Am Hafen, Italian Cultural Institute of Cologne, Lab Europe, Gallery Hase 29, Erasmus+
Special thanks to Anastasiya Trifonenko, Jakub Prange, Martina Macchia, Jolanda Lamberti, and Susanna Schoenberg